Almased started with a strong presence in retail but needed a robust strategy to promote their products and support their retail partners through online marketing efforts. A primary focus was on content testing to understand which angles and value propositions resonated best with their audience. The goal was to use the insights gained from meta-platform testing to inform broader campaigns, including print. Additionally, Almased aimed to target new and younger customers and required guidance in setting up their own online store. This expansion included running ads for direct conversions through their new online store, complementing their retail efforts.
How we achived great results
Targeting involved broad targeting and Lookalike Audiences with minimal necessary restrictions, removing age restrictions, and extending the targeting to cover all of Germany. Shifted the campaign goal from 'Traffic' to 'Conversion,' optimizing for 'Button-Click' actions leading to online retailers.
Implemented various asset and content tests and created a landing page for Almased with A/B testing to compare product-focused pages versus blog pages, aiming for data-driven and effective marketing campaign management.
Assisted Almased in setting up their online store, enabling the launch of specific ads targeting both retail and their new online shop.